Tuesday, May 26, 2020

The New Angle On Papers for Students Just Released

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Sunday, May 24, 2020

Ayatollah Khomeini and Gamal Abdul-Nasser Free Essay Example, 2000 words

He played an instrumental role in the overthrow of the Egyptian monarch in the year 1952, and as a result, he was rewarded with a post, as a deputy prime minister3. This is an indication that Gamal Abdul Nasser was an important leader to the revolutionaries, and he was held in high esteem. Furthermore, the power and authority that Gamal Abdul Nasser had is depicted when he managed to arrest President Muhammad Naguib and place him under house arrest. This is an authority that a deputy prime minister cannot possess, and this is because the President is the head of the state and government. President Muhammad Naguib was a president by name, but he did not have real authority4.In the year 1956, a public referendum was able to grant him the presidency, and the adoption of the Egyptian constitution. Ayatollah Khomeini, on the other hand, does not have any military background, but he was a religious scholar. He used religion to control his people, and consolidate power, after the revolutio n. One of the leadership styles of Abdul Nasser and Ayatollah Khomeini was authoritarianism5.We will write a custom essay sample on Ayatollah Khomeini and Gamal Abdul-Nasser or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now President Nasser wanted complete loyalty from his subjects, and he did not condone any form of opposition. This is depicted in the manner in which he handled President Naguib, and this is because they had different ideological beliefs. Nasser was able to depose President Naguib, and he ordered an onslaught on thousands of people who were opposed to him. Nasser was able to take advantage of an attempted assassination on him, to crack down on any political opposition that he faced. This is depicted when he was able to dismiss and arrest any supporter of President Naguib, who was in the army or the civil service. This is despite these people playing no role in his attempted assassination, or even having no links with the Muslim Brotherhood. Furthermore, President Naguib was placed under house arrest, and no trial was held to find out whether he had a role in this attempted assassination or not.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Nature vs. Nurture in Sport - 1248 Words

What makes a good athlete? What separates a person on the 1st line up from a bench warmer? Where does athleticism come from? Is it from our genes, or is it a product of the environment we live in? These are the types of questions that arise in the nature vs. nurture debate pertaining about athletic ability. In 1582, British educator, Richard Mulcaster wrote that†¨Nature makes the boy toward, nurture sees him forward, he gave the world†¨a euphonious name for an opposition that has been debated ever since; Nature and Nurture. Peoples†¨beliefs about the roles of heredity and environment affect their opinions on an†¨astonishing range of topics including sports. The nature versus nurture debate not only exists in the sporting community but also in many others. It is a very controversial topic that has puzzled researchers for centuries. There are two sides to the debate; Nature and Nurture. To be on the side on nature one believes that DNA and heredity make us who we a re. In the case of sports, an athlete is born with genes that give them the ability to excel in a certain sport. On the other hand, many people believe that we become who we are because of the environment and people around us; Nurture. A nurtured athlete is an individual that has developed elite skills over time caused by rigorous training and their surroundings. Nature or nurture, which contributes more to the creation of professional athletes? Nature is based on ones genes, which are the basic physical andShow MoreRelatedNature vs. Nurture Paper687 Words   |  3 PagesNature vs. Nurture How has nature vs. nurture affected my life? Nature and nurture affect my life every day and it has affected me all my life, its everywhere. The family I was born into, the friends I hang out with, the television I watch, and the beliefs I have. All that is Nature vs. nurture, and now I am going to give you some examples. Nature: refers to heredity, the genetic makeup an individual carries from the time of conception to the time of death. This notion of nature refers toRead MoreThe Theory Of Nature Vs. Nurture1680 Words   |  7 PagesThe theory of nature vs. nurture, or inherited vs. acquired, is a complex psychological theory that questions how people develop, as a person, in life and how they act. Their impact determines your personality traits, values, morals, and behavior in life. The idea of nature is the belief that people develop into who they are based on genetic traits given to them at birth. For example, some children inherit a musical talent from their parents along with eye color, hair color, and race. These traitsRead MoreNature vs Nurture, a Not Quite a Twin1684 Words   |  7 PagesNature vs Nurture A Not Quite Twin Study Tamara Richardson Seminole State College of Florida Abstract This paper is going to discuss the Nature vs Nurture debate. There will be history of the debate, where it is presently and where it may go in the future. We will look at the beginning of the debate, the battle that started with Descartes and was pushed further by BF Skinner, Bandura and Piaget. We will further look at Bandura and Piaget and look at Social learning theory verses biology. InterviewsRead MoreNature Vs. Nurture : Nurture1405 Words   |  6 PagesDecember 2015 Nature vs. Nurture Very few people know that the nature vs. nurture debate actually began early on with famous Greek philosophers such as Plato and Descartes. These two theorized that certain things were inborn and occurred naturally regardless of environmental factors (Cherry 1). Most people began to witness this debate in 1896 when the phrase â€Å"Nature vs. Nurture† was coined by English polymath, Francis Galton (â€Å"Nature vs. Nurture†Origins 1). At this point the nature vs. nurture debate grewRead MoreAdoption : Nature Vs Nurture1216 Words   |  5 PagesEric Fraley 4th hour English 3 Mrs. Laluzerne Jan, 12, 2016 Adoption Nature vs Nurture What makes someone an unique individual? Centuries of ancestors, genetics, evolution and heredity, or is what makes someone who they are based simply on how they were raised and what sort of environment they were raised in? The idea of Nature vs Nurture was created in 1869 in a book called Hereditary Genius by Francis Galton. In his book, he explains his findings on his exploration of the inheritance andRead More Nature vs Nurture: Genes vs Environment Essay1490 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction A debate between psychologist, scientists and philosopher thinkers on the spectrum of ‘nature vs. nurture’ arose concerning human development. In the nature versus nurture debate, the term nature refers to the genes we inherit while the term nurture refers to our outside environment (Nature vs. Nurture: Twin and Adoption Studies). This debate of ‘nature vs. nurture’ has existed for centuries and up to now it is still a topic of major discussion although at present time. Human developmentRead MoreNature vs Nurture: Do Genes Or Environment Matter More? Essay936 Words   |  4 Pagesbeen an on-going debate between nature and nurture. T.H. White, author of The Once and Future King, explores the debate through many of the book’s characters. The issue clearly appears in the relationship of Queen Morgause and her sons, the Orkney brothers. The debate caused people to pick a side, to pick nature over nurture, or nurture over nature. However, it does not have to be one or the other. Nature and nurture work together to determine who we are. Nature does not simply determine our physicalRead MoreNature Vs. Nurture Essay1612 Words   |  7 PagesNature vs. Nurture Essay Throughout many years, scientists have been debating about whether nature or nurture is the driving force that shapes a person’s cognitive abilities and personal traits. Before the ongoing debate can be explained, it is necessary to understand what nature and nurture actually are. Nature is loosely defined as the genetics one inherits and tendencies that influence development. Many things in an individual are hereditary, for instance; gender, disease, height, eye color,Read MoreThe Importance Of Nature Vs. Nurture, Culture And Gender, And Finally Family Involvement1378 Words   |  6 Pages  Ã‚  Ã‚   Influence paper Patricia Dominguez Professor: Jeannine Lombardi Class: ECE 102-003 Date: September 13, 2016   Ã‚  Ã‚   On this task I will be addressing the importance of Nature Vs. Nurture, Culture and Gender, and finally family involvement throughout the developing years of an infant. The developmental years in a child s life is classified under NAEYC 1b. The first standard has helped me understand the importance of making the student feel safe. It has made me understand that making bonds withRead MoreEssay on Nature vs Nurture: Genetics vs Environment1617 Words   |  7 Pagesbiological or genetic factor of violent/criminal or aggressive behavior is certainly a much talked about topic. The idea that certain individuals could be predisposed to violence is something definitely deserving of doing research about. The nature vs. nurture topic has been a continuing debate for many aspects of human behavior, including aggression/violent behavior and criminal behavior. There have been many studies indicating that chemical relationships between hormones and the frontal lobe of

Friday, May 15, 2020

Essay on Biography of Johann Elert Bode - 564 Words

Johann Elert Bode was born in Hamburg, Germany on January 19, 1747. His father was a merchant and his mother stayed at home with him and his eight younger brothers and sisters. Bode never went to formal school, but his father was determined to teach him how to be a great merchant. However, Bode didn’t want to become a merchant. He was very interested in mathematics, geography, and astrology. He decided to go against what his father was teaching him and pursue a career in Astrology instead. When Bode was a child he had a nasty eye infection that caused him to lose most of his sight in his right eye. This didn’t keep him from his studies or his astrological findings. When Bode was 18 his father died of a serious illness. After this†¦show more content†¦Uranus was later found and its number is 19. Bode’s law can not, however, accurately give the correct answer for Neptune and Pluto. While Bode’s name is in the name of the law he was not the person w ho created it. He was only the person who popularized it. Johann Daniel Titius was actually the first person to first announce it. Bode had written about it in one of his studies but he had not credited Titius for his works, so people just assumed that it was Bode’s findings. Bode later gave Titius the credit he deserved, hence the second name of the law, Bode-Titius Law. Bode has many other contributions to astronomy. He found, in total, four different celestial bodies and â€Å"rediscovered† three others. He discovered M81, a spiral galaxy in Ursa Major; M82, an irregular galaxy also in Ursa Major; M53, a globular cluster in Coma Berenices; M92, another globular cluster, in Hercules; M64, a spiral galaxy in Coma Berenices, this one was discovered by Edward Pigott then Bode rediscovered it 12 days later; M48, an open cluster in Hydra, discovered by Charles Messier; and IC4665, an open open cluster in Ophiuchus, discovered by De Cheseaux. Also, in 1776 Bode created his version of the theory of the solar constitution. Later in 1795, Sir William Herschel created his theory of the theory of the solar constitution by tweaking Bode’s version to fit his beliefs. Bode is the man whom came up with the planet name â€Å"Uranus† and it has been called that ever since. Bode had many

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Homosexual Articles On The Usa Vs. Saudi Arabia - 1537 Words

Samah Alharthi Sara Melton English 121 November 30, 2012 Homosexual Rights in the USA vs. Saudi Arabia. The word Gay originally derived from Germanic word that has a meaning of â€Å"joyful, carefree, happy, bright, and showy† in the 17th century. Around the 19th century the word Gay turned out to be referred to a woman who was a prostitute and a gay man was the man who slept with a lot of women (Hiskey). It could be sort of ironical today that a gay man doesn’t sleep with women and a gay woman (Lesbian) doesn’t sleep with men. By 1955, the word gay officially acquired the new added definition of meaning homosexual. According to American Psycho- logical Association who is defined homosexuality as a romantic or sexual attraction or behavior†¦show more content†¦They have the right to equal treatment. The society has to address the importance of equality among people. The discrimination towards these sexual orientations, under any circumstances, is morally wrong, and discrimination based on sexual orientation ne eds to be addressed. They have the right of privacy and to found a family. The LGBT has the right to get married, adapt children, and have their own normal life. The LGBT never asked for special privileges, but they simply ask for basic rights of equality that every straight person is given. All people created equal and should be given equal rights as a consequence. One right that every person entitled to is the right to marry. Gay Marriage is legalize in twelve countries in the world and part of the US and Mexico. However, some governments of some countries that opposed gays have strict rules about gay marriage based on religious and cultural rules. On October 2011, Pew Research Center for People Press, made polling on the issue of the same- sex marriage. They found the public divides almost evenly: 46% favor allowing gays and lesbians to marry legally, while 44% are opposed. Each side of the argument has its cones and pros. The people who for gay marriage think that denying same sex marriage will make a huge debate but by providing homosexual couples with same legal rights as heterosexual couples, can make the equality among people. Also, could be a form of discrimination by

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Holocaust Memorial Center Family Campus - 1466 Words

Museum Paper The Holocaust Memorial Center Zekelman Family Campus is about the horrendous events such as hate crimes that were happening during World War II. The definition of Holocaust from the museum website perspective is â€Å"The Holocaust was the systematic, bureaucratic, state-sponsored persecution and murder of approximately six million Jews and five million other persons by the Nazi regime and its collaborators† (Holocaust and Survivor Defined.). â€Å"The term Holocaust comes from the Greek words of â€Å"holos† (whole) and â€Å"kaustos† (burn) which was used to describe a sacrificial offering burned on an alter† (History.com). The museum has been around for more than 25 years, in Farmington Hills and has been acknowledged by the Wall Street Journal. The museum does not only reflect on the evil, but also the strength and the courage of the victims affected in this genocide. The purpose of the Holocaust museum is to remember those who have passe d away and survived, as well as, to teach and inform others about the events. There were many exhibits to choose from such as, the Jewish heritage, the descent into Nazism and the postwar period. The exhibit I will be focusing on is called, The Camp System. The Camp System shows and explains how the campsites were run and how they looked. From 1933, thousands of camps came about. Primarily, the most heard of camps were Auschwitz-Birkeanu, Treblinka, Dachau and Chelmno, just to name a few. Most of the camps were established in Poland by theShow MoreRelatedEthical Hacking8365 Words   |  34 Pagescyberspace in a science fiction novel called  Neuromancer. In one of the first arrests of hackers, the FBI busts the Milwaukee-based 414s (named after the local area code) after members are accused of  60 computer break in  ranging from Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center to Los Alamos National Laboratory. Comprehensive Crime Control Act gives  Secret Service  jurisdiction over credit card and computer fraud. Two hacker groups form, the  Legion of Doom in the United States and the  Chaos Computer Club  inRead More_x000C_Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis355457 Words   |  1422 Pagesretrieval systems, or in any other manner—without the written permission of the publisher. Thomson Higher Education 10 Davis Drive Belmont, CA 94002-3098 USA For more information about our products, contact us at: Thomson Learning Academic Resource Center 1-800-423-0563 For permission to use material from this text or product, submit a request online at http://www.thomsonrights.com. Any additional questions about permissions can be submitted by e-mail to thomsonrights@thomson.com. Printed in the

Theory of Successful Aging - 1648 Words

Theory Of Successful Aging INTERNAL CRITICISM Adequacy: The Flood’s Theory of Successful Aging (Flood, 2005) was developed to addresses a nursing theory for care of the older adult regarding to the lack of nursing theory that offers clearly delineated guidelines for care of aging. Flood’s(2002) unique definition of successful aging among other explanations includes mental, physical, and spiritual elements of the aging person and emphasizing the individuals self appraisal. She used existing knowledge derived deductively from the Roy adaptation model, one of the most widely accepted nursing theory model, and integrated these ideas with Tornstams sociological theory of gerotranscendence and literature related to the concept of successful†¦show more content†¦These concepts can be understood without lengthy descriptions and explanations. In this study, the author employed a variation of deductive reformulation, a process involving the derivation of existing knowledge from a non-nursing theory integrated with k nowledge obtained deductively from a nursing conceptual model which would allow for a more logical presentation of how the components relate to each other. Moreover, the model is exhibited in this paper is an elucidate of the theory’s components structure and would present the interrelationship of its components. The theory is parsimonious in that â€Å"it is clear and concise in explanations of the concepts† (Bredow, 2009, p. 55). Discrimination: The scientific process of deductive reformulation lends credibility and sound logic to Flood’s theory of successful aging. Flood, founder who is an advanced practice registered nurse, used deductive reformulation to develop her theory of successful aging in nursing discipline. Without any other useful theory of aging to guide nursing care, Floods (2005) theory offers promise for nursing. This theory provides a useful framework for interventions that target the mental, physical, and spiritual health of aging persons. It would be able to produce hypotheses that will lead to research results in older adult nursing research. However, there is no evidence of a nursing research using this theory. Reality Convergence: The underlyingShow MoreRelatedThe Aging Process For The Older Adults Essay1587 Words   |  7 Pages Successful Aging Paper Albatul Albulayhi University of the Incarnate Word â€Æ' Successful Aging Paper Aging is inevitable; as people age in the second half of life, the body often faces some challenges mentally and physically. Aging was defined by Robert Arking (1998), as a â€Å" Time-dependent series of cumulative, progressive, intrinsic, and harmful changes that begin to manifest at reproductive maturity and eventually end in death† (p. 520). The aging process for the older adults is influenced byRead MoreSociological Aging : A Sociological Perspective Essay902 Words   |  4 PagesSociological Aging Social aging is referring to the changes in individual’s roles and relationship in the society as they age. There are many different theories concerning sociological aging. Social theories on aging examine the relationship between individual experiences and social institutions e.g., aging and retirement; aging and institutional care; aging and government policy etc (Barkan 2012). All have limitations, and some can be considered more than others when attempting to understand socialRead MoreThe Success Of Successful Aging1065 Words   |  5 Pagesdefinition of success, successful aging means many different things to different people. While the subject of successful and vital aging can be inspiring and empowering, it undoubtedly requires flexibility and adaptation in response to changes in health and functioning that are quite common as individuals inevitably age. Through formulated theories and suppositions proposed throughout decades in gerontological studies, many agree upon consistencies that exist across chronological aging. However, there areRead MoreDisengagement Theory Is The First Formal Theory Of Aging873 Words   |  4 PagesDisengagement theory is the first formal theory of aging. It was first proposed in 1961 by Elaine Cumming and William Hendry. They both were researchers from the University of Chicago. The two developed their theory in their book Growing Old: The Process of Disengagement. In the book they criticized the implicit theory that people can adjust, be satisfied, and happy in old age. They can also be physically involved and remain active throughout their lives. â€Å"Cumming and Henry argued that normal aging involvesRead MoreIntroduction Of Late Adulthood And Retirement1659 Words   |  7 Pageschildhood, adolescence, early adulthood and late adulthood. Those different stages of development present characteristics which are particular to each stage. The last decade had seen an increase with people age sixty and above. Conseq uently, this aging population has significant effects on many aspect of society. Life expectancy which was of 50 years in the 19th century had tremendously increase. Indeed the factors contributing to the longevity include; public health measure to many factors suchRead MoreMy Attitudes Towards The Elderly1031 Words   |  5 Pages Society as whole has many false beliefs and preconceived notions about the aging population. I myself have harboured dozens of them throughout my lifetime. However, there are a select few that have stood the test of time as they continue to guide my attitudes towards the elderly. Though one of the oldest stereotypes in the book, I unfortunately see the elderly as being a generally unhappy (grumpy) group. I rationalize to myself that they are this way due to deteriorating health, and also becauseRead MoreA Research Study On Successful Aging919 Words   |  4 PagesSuccessful aging is a complicated and multifaceted concept that varies contextually among individuals, disciplines, and even time. Gerontologists have traditionally considered a person to have aged successfully upon having reached old age with their physical health, mental well-being and spirit still intact. Ultimately, successful aging is a matter of personal perspective, largely influenced by an individual s values and ex periences. Even those within America s elderly population hold conflictingRead MoreAn Insight Of. Erikson Theory On Aging. Anthony Isamade.968 Words   |  4 Pages An Insight of Erikson Theory on Aging Anthony Isamade Oluwatosin Abegunde Nursing Care Concepts Aging Jean Eaton January 27, 2017 Abstract A perception of old age and the crisis associated with it. Erikson theory illuminates these various issues associated with old age through Ego Integrity vs Despair, and generates ideas that the future generations now employ to understand Aging. An Insight of Erikson Theory on Aging Aging is a concept that impacts our society. WithRead MoreSymbolic Interactionist Perspective In Sociology1543 Words   |  7 Pagesaddresses society as a whole by standards of norms, customs, traditions, and institutions. While once criticized for failure to account for social change and ignoring systematic inequalities that naturally produce tension and conflict. The functionalist theory easily allows for specific macro-analyses of more contentious power imbalances while also permitting a micro-analyses such as identify formation. (Contributors at CliffsNotes, 2016) Conflict Perspective The conflict perspective, primarily originatingRead MoreWhat Can You Tell About A Population By Looking At Its Population Pyramid?1392 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"baby boomers† group is aging, they will require increased medical and financial support. According to the population pyramid there are more â€Å"baby boomers† than the individuals available to provide needed care to them. 2. Discuss the findings of at least one major longitudinal study of aging. Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging (BLSA), began in 1958 by Nathan Shock, Ph.D. and William W. Peter, M.D. BLSA is the world’s most comprehensive and longest longitudinal study of aging in the world, which continues

Breed Specific Legislation Does Not Curb Pit Bull Attacks Free Essays

Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) has been bandied about in several legislative arms of the United States government including the local and state levels for decades. In particular, pit bulls as a breed have recently come under fierce attack due to a plethora of news stories which highlight attacks on humans and the use of the breed for fighting purposes. Municipal ordinances seek to either ban ownership of specific breeds such as pit bulls, curb ownership of these animals or impose unreasonably strict responsibilities on those who choose to care for pit bulls such as keeping the animal confined and requiring hefty insurance supplements. We will write a custom essay sample on Breed Specific Legislation Does Not Curb Pit Bull Attacks or any similar topic only for you Order Now Such legislation, unfortunately, does nothing to address the real problem which begins with the owner himself, not the dog, whose breed has been proven not to be unpredictably aggressive. Instead of laying the blame with owners who are irresponsible or those who use them for fighting, BSL legislation targets pit bulls for simply being what they are, and the rights of citizens to own their choice of dog breed. Definition of the Pit Bull Breed and BSL The term â€Å"pit bull† refers to â€Å"a type of short-coated large terrier, anywhere from 40-80 pounds, characterized by a wide skull, powerful jaws, and a muscular, stocky body† according to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) but it is not technically a breed recognized by the American Kennel Club. For the purposes of this paper, we will use this term to denote any variety of what is commonly known as a pit bull. The pit bull was brought to the United States from England for use as an â€Å"animal baiting† dog whereby it would be trained to attack a large animal such as a bear and hang on with its teeth until the animal was brought down. When this was judged to be illegal in the 1800’s, many pit bull owners began to train the animals to fight each other instead. Thus, the fighting instinct was nurtured and eventually bred into the dog. According to the ASPCA (aspca. org), citizens need to be aware that â€Å"even though a breed may be characterized by a certain pattern of behaviors, individuals within a breed can vary tremendously†. According to Diane Blackman (â€Å"Breed Specific Legislation†, 1995), BSL is defined as â€Å"ordinances [which] may regulate or prohibit certain breeds regardless of the temperament or behavior of the individual animal†. The problem with this definition is that it refers to a specific breed, which must be narrowly defined to make such an ordinance enforceable. There are many varieties of pit bull dogs available, many of whom have been mixed with other breeds. Are all pit bulls, then, at the center of this controversy or is there a particular recognized breed that legislatures are aiming to control? Such definitions must be clearly defined before enforcement becomes even remotely practical. Ineffectiveness of the Legislation BSL legislature has been proven to be ineffective and unconstitutional in municipalities where it has been enacted in the past. In the 1980’s BSL first started to appear in cities such as Hollywood, Florida, Cincinnati, Ohio and a small town in New Mexico. These were followed by legislation at the state level in Michigan, Ohio and Florida. All of these ordinances specifically targeted pit bulls as being inherently dangerous to society. What has happened in each of these communities and states is that either owners continue to keep pit bulls in their care but do so illegally or they switch to a different breed of dog and train it to be aggressive because that was the original purpose in obtaining the pit bull in the first place (Weiss, 2001). Weiss quotes Brittany Wallman of the South Florida Sun-Central as stating â€Å"Officials in Prince George, Maryland are considering a repeal of the community’s BSL, arguing that the legislation has simply encouraged owners of vicious dogs to either ‘go underground’ or ‘get fighting dogs not covered by the ban’. † Many municipalities which have imposed BSL were later declared to be unconstitutional in restricting a specific breed of pet. According to Weiss, quoting the ruling in Hearn vs. City of Overland Park: â€Å"The Kansas Supreme Court affirmed the district court’s findings that (1) the ordinance was not unconstitutionally vague or overbroad; (2) the ordinance did not violate the state or federal due process rights of the plaintiffs; and (3) the ordinance did not violate the plaintiffs’ equal protection rights under the United States and Kansas Constitutions. † In Dade County, Florida, a group of dog owners protested the BSL ordinance based on grounds that it was discriminatory and did not sufficiently define the breed. The District Court found the definition of a pit bull satisfactory but did uphold that enforcement of the ordinance could be â€Å"applied in a discriminatory fashion† (Weiss, 2001), thus unfairly targeting certain pets. Currently, there are many laws on the books pertaining to pet ownership, such as leash laws, but most are rarely enforced. Imposing a law based on breed, which, as previously discussed, is certainly difficult for an enforcement officer to pinpoint, will do nothing to stop problems such as dog bites from occurring. The Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court ruled that an ordinance banning pit bulls â€Å"depends for enforcement on the subjective understanding of dog officers of the appearance of an ill-defined ‘breed’† (Weiss, 2001). When encountering dogs of mixed breeds, it is nearly impossible to make a solid determination; according to Blackman (â€Å"Breed Specific Legislation, 1995) â€Å"a part boxer dog can easily be mistaken for a part pit bull†. Clearly, one of the biggest problems with enforcing BSL is creating a definition of a pit bull that is easily recognizable by enforcement officers, non-discriminatory and does not unfairly target animals of mixed breeds. Creating legislature based on a dog’s breed also adds a burden to municipalities of prohibitive cost and providing extra manpower to enforce the ordinance. A ban on pit bulls in Cincinnati, Ohio was eventually overturned due to the excessive cost of enforcement. The statute had been on the books for nine years with no success until the city began to take enforcement more seriously. When Ohio Valley Dog Owners protested, the courts found that with â€Å"dozens of dogs in custody and court cases to decide† it was unreasonable and placed a great burden on enforcement agencies as well as the courts to keep BSL on the books (Weiss, 2001). Instead, the court system ordered that all pit bulls in Ohio be registered with the local police department, â€Å"marked with tattoos and microchips, photographed, confined, and insured† (Weiss, 2001). Alternative Solutions A better way to address the problem of aggressive dogs and their violent behavior is to target the owners, not the animals, through educational initiatives and enforcement of existing laws directly related to the owners of pets who have been proven to have dangerous tendencies. Legislature that addresses this focus is just beginning to be recognized as a viable alternative to BSL. The state of California recently proposed a bill that â€Å"gives prosecutors power to press felony charges against ‘any person owning or having custody or control’ of a dangerous dog, even if the person is not the dog’s owner† (Weiss, 2001). In Indiana, prosecutors are allowed to find owners of pets responsible if these animals exhibit violence toward any employees of local government or utility companies in the commission of their job. Owners need to be aware, through educational programs, that the training of their pet is the biggest key to affecting its behavior. Classes that promote safe handling without the use of violence can be effective and would be a natural extension of local animal control agencies and Humane Societies. Programs aimed at children and raising their levels of safety awareness are also beneficial. Laws that are already in place regarding dangerous animals and hold owners accountable their dogs’ actions regardless of breed need to be vigorously enforced. Rather than targeting a specific breed, animal enforcement agencies need to collectively focus on violent or aggressive behavior in any dog, not just pit bulls. Upholding leash laws will certainly help as keeping any animal under the owner’s control in all situations is vital in the prevention of attacks. Conclusion Pit bulls are often associated with the breed’s history as being violent and aggressive due to their training. It is not, however, advisable to relate all dogs of one breed as distinguished by these traits. According to Cox (2002), â€Å"any dog can be dangerous†. Humans are an integral part of the equation of pit bulls equal violence. Only when pet owners are properly educated and current laws regarding responsible ownership enforced will there be a reduction in the amount of attacks instigated by dangerous dogs, no matter their breed. Legislation at the state and city levels needs to focus on owners as the responsible parties and let go of the idea that pit bulls as a whole are a menace to society. Works Cited American Society for the Prevention Cruelty to Animals. â€Å"Pit Bull Information†. Retrieved November 13, 2007 from the ASPCA Website: http://www. aspca. org/site/PageServer? pagename=pets_pitbull. Blackman, Diane. â€Å"Practicality Of Breed Specific Legislation In Reducing Or Eliminating Dog Attacks On Humans And Dogs†. Breed Specific Legislation, 1995. Retrieved November 13, 2007 from the Dog-play Website: http://dogplay. com/Articles/MyArticles/pitbull. html. Cox, Rachel. â€Å"Breed Specific Legislation†. InterNetWorkers: April, 2002. Retrieved November 13, 2007 from the Ibiblio Website: http://lists. ibiblio. org/pipermail/internetworkers/2002-April/005220. html. New Leash on Life. â€Å"Breed Specific Legislation†. Retrieved November 13, 2007 from the NLOL Website: http://www. nlol. org/chicago/bsl. asp. Real Pit Bull, The. â€Å"Breed Specific Legislation†. Retrieved November 13, 2007 from the Real Pit Bull Website: http://www. realpitbull. com/laws. html. Weiss, Linda S. â€Å"Breed-Specific Legislation in the United States†. Animal Legal and Historical Web Center. Detroit College of Law: 2001. Retrieved November 13, 2007 from the Animal Law Website: http://www. animallaw. info/articles/aruslweiss2001. htm. How to cite Breed Specific Legislation Does Not Curb Pit Bull Attacks, Papers

Reward Management

Question: Discuss about theReward Management. Answer: Introduction Employees are one of the most valuable assets of any organization; this asset is a key element of the organizational development and success. Absenteeism is one of the biggest issues that one is facing today. One of the key factors for the employee to work with dedication and to get a proper result is attentiveness or a reduction in the absenteeism. The attentiveness of the employee lead to the two major factors first is employee motivation and second is the capability to work with ethics. Whereas attentiveness leads to motivation and it also satisfies the employee as well as an employer, whereas on the other hand absenteeism causes job dissatisfaction. An exposure to the globalization and diversified culturalism, the challenge of upholding of the professional ethics. Work ethics can be broadly categorized into four segments 1) the morality, 2) the values, 3) ethical decision-making, and (4) the ethical standards for risk management (Buzan, 2010). It has been seen since in the last c entury that, social work has prolonged from a preoccupation with employees' morality and values of ethics. The work ethics are the social responsibilities and the duties that once follow without supervision. These affects in the organissation work culture and employees standard of leaving. This study demonstrates the direct relation between the absenteeism and work ethics. The personal management infrastructure development has been started over ten years in the public service reforms was a major task. It was difficult to make changes in the existing system was due to political influence and the culture. Trinidad and Tobago's public service consist of a very vivid workforce (Miller and del Carmen Triana, 2009). The organizations are mainly categorized into three different workforce or agencies. Central agencies, service commission departments or the public service sectors (judge, police, and education department) and the perennial department. Government and political machinations were developed with an objective to protect the career of public officers. As and when the time passed and the public sector grew its length and breadth in 1970s There is a tremendous growth in the size of public services was observed as a result of this hype in the size and the complexity in t he also increase in the current system which left behind ambiguity. That forced to implement the centralization which leads to disfunctionality (Karakas, 2010). This disfunctionality was seen due to the only one executing point with various other working bodies at different location this made the practical implementation of the mode very difficult, so it was not practiced as often due to the lack of fault tolerance of that system. In the subsequent year the decentralization started in the 1990s due to lack of the ethics and attentiveness of the employees (Karjalainen, 2010). Due to the increase in the size of the public sector the price was cut down so to maintain the budget. The other changes such as increments and the cost of living allowances were also cut down. The solution for this could be the work base motivation incentive that means the employee should receive only the basic salary in addition to that whatever he works or does could add extra to him in this way the employee in the public sector could be motivated easily and with a minimum cost the results are more relevantly be seen. For example: In the private sector the salaries were between 30,000 to 105,000 per month in few scenarios where the job is not at all secured, on the other hand the private sector was having only 20,000 per month in some cases like permanently employed. This was the senior with other jobs and positions in both the sector (Kaye et al. 2011). Looking upon the broader term that the public sector the job is secured whereas in the private sector the job loosing risk factor is higher. In order to improve the public sector and to make the human resource more powerful the public sector should introduce the incentive system in accordance with the performance and the hype of the living cost. The workers are the key functional area that an organization should pay more attention to so the human resource. The workers should be more efficient in the work which is assigned to them. This could help in work efficiency and revenue generation to the organization or the customer and employee satisfactio n is seen in this case. Absenteeism and work ethics are positively correlated with each other. There is a strong relation between work ethics and absenteeism. If the absenteeism ratio is very less than the ratio of the ethics are higher, or else the rate of absenteeism the higher than the work ethics are observed very less. Absenteeism can be of several types such as Authorized Absenteeism where an employee applies for the leave to their supervisor. The other can be Unauthorized Absenteeism where an employee does not urge to take prior permission from their supervisors. There also can be a Willful Absenteeism where an employee is willing absent from their duty. And there can be Absenteeism in circumstances which are beyond ones control like accidents or sickness. It has its impact on the any company incurring cost in terms of Productivity, Administration and Finance. This ultimately has its impacts on many areas such as service delivery, financial losses, staff Morale etc. Here if the issue is identified in the early stage and solutions implemented and still if the employee continues to be absent then normal disciplinary procedures are to be implemented. Generally it is accepted that there is an Agreement between both the parties i.e. Employer and the Employee where an employee is abide to render his/his services to the employer in all possible terms. And if this is done properly and up to the satisfaction of the employer then employer is abide to pay the returns. And if the employee fails to render this service and if found absent then employer terms this as Absenteeism. If we try and look at Absenteeism form Employer and Employees side then they have a great difference. Just to list a few examples Absenteeism is a huge problem from Employer side as it is directly affecting the Staff Attitude, service delivery and ultimately loss of revenue. Thus usually all the organizations wants Absenteeism ratio to be as low as possible. Employees fails to see themselves not providing the service delivery when they are not on their work stations for which they are paid but rather sees themselves at work and Employer look at them as being unproductive and are not focused on Goals of Organization (Laroche and Wechtler, 2011). Causes The imbalance is caused due to changes in the economic condition of the state and if the government does not cope up with the changing conditions there is going to be an imbalance in the employment ratio. The solution to the disparity in the revenue generation of the employee in the public and private sector can be eliminated or nullified by providing some extra benefits or perks to the employees who are getting less remuneration. The other solution could be by giving some long term extra benefits, employee like issuing of bonds, shares or by giving extra powers to the employee (Akintayo, 2010). The job security is one of me major threat to the private sector so in order to attract the employee the public services must provide job securities to the employees. On the other hand there are many causes for Absenteeism such as Long hours of work, Poor working Condition, Accidents, Poor Control, Nature of work, Absence of regular leave arrangements, Alcoholism and Gambling habits, Attitude or motivational problem, Poor health, Lack of job satisfaction, Lack of clear standards and policy, Lack of refreshment areas, Lack of medical Aid and health programs, Lack of marketing facilities, Education of children, Lack of cooperation and understanding between employee and the company, outside interests, transportation problems, Stress, Ergonomic issues, Domestic, family or personal problems, management style etc. According to the research (Cailler, 2014) taken in United States of America sometimes under trained supervisors is also one of the causes for Absenteeism rather than low pay, poor benefits etc. Consequences Absenteeism affects both the employee and the company in three major ways, namely Decrease in Productivity, Financial costs and Administrative costs. The Absenteeism of the employees affects the company adversely as the cost of production increases because those employees need to be replaced by new temporary employees (Kavitha, Geetha and Arunachalam, 2011). Their colleagues are brought more additional stress of workload with a feeling of demoralized due to deadlines and work pressure building on them. Absenteeism is directly proportional to the productivity of the company and as a result of that the temporary staff allocated needs to be paid for overtime ultimately effecting cost of the production and so as the price of the commodity. Above that employee turnover incur cost to the company in terms of hiring them, cost of training them, extra labor cost, extra operating cost, loss of goodwill (Martin-Alcazar et al. 2012). There is also a cost incurred to the company in separating the employee, such as job advertising, reemployment administrative functions, selection interview, employment test, meeting to discuss with the candidate (Buttner et al. 2012). Moreover the employees are also affected by the Absenteeism as they will be getting paid very less and as a result of that their standard of living is decreased. And thus Absenteeism very adversely affects the employer and employee along with the customer paying high for the commodity. These consequences can increase work load, undesired overtime, Conflict with absent worker, more grievances etc. This may also lead to loss of business or it may end up getting unsatisfied client which no company or organization would like to bear. Understaffing and poor quality of goods resulting from overtime is possible one of the consequences of it. Excess of managers time dealing with the suitable replacement of new employee. Safety issue can pertain due to inadequa te trained employees (Kaplan et al. 2011). Recommendation In the future the government should introduce, such as a system in which the employees must be benefited in such a ways that they get inspired to work in order to get a better outcome from it. This dedication of the employee must be kept consistent by awarding with the perk and incentives. The employee should be getting enough salary to spend this life comfortable, adding up the person should be given enough opportunity to work hard and earn extra incentive or bonus or promotion in this future. His basic increment of the employee should be implemented with reference to the cost of living index. If the solutions are not adopted timely there would be a major depreciation in one of the sectors leading towards the imbalance. The rate of Absenteeism will gradually reduce on announcing that there will be steps taken the check on the Absenteeism. The very first step taken should be record all type of Absenteeism of each employee for each year along with the duration of leave for each employee and the reason behind it. The next step should be to take a follow up for each case of Absenteeism such as to pay visit to them on sick leaves whenever necessary to all those who have a excessive sick leave reports (Acar, 2010). Writing letters to the them recording Absenteeism and should be handed over to the relevant employee and a receipt of proof has to be obtained in return from them. The next thing should be conducting meetings with them. Incentives should be given for not taking the sick leaves. Giving health insurance as a part of their package an bonus (Carraher, 2011). There are workplace strategies that help to provide a positive impact towards the employees and this is assorted with the abilities and the opportunities that very well increases the performance of the staff. Effective organizational leadership approach is a deep understanding for achieving the principal objective that helps to enhance the performance of staff and the work absenteeism is decreased in such organizations. The workplace strategies may sometime have a negative impact which indicates the negative behavior and the negative consequences that are infact the barriers for increase in productivity (Chevalier and Strayer, 2008). As such high retention rates are categorized due to work absenteeism, so the efforts that enhance the positive affect while considering the performance and reliability of work ethics are to be build in an organization. This will help to support the workplace performance with the influential tool for workplace design. Motivation at work place is an effective way to communicate with the employees and the staff members that may lead to the discussion and the challenges in the perceptiveness of employees. Challenges and problems are analyzed and this may improve the communications with employee relationship strategy (Khan, Clear, Al-Kaabi and Pezeshki, 2010). There are studies that resulted in the improvement of the work ethics with low retention rates. Positive attitude has to be build for increasing the standard of workplace and motivation to employees. The reward system at public sectors may help to create a positive environment as increasing the employee productivity would help to increase the overall growth of an organization. Management relations may even impact to increase the level of growth for employees and decrease the work absenteeism with certain barriers. Leadership qualities may enhance the structure of an organization and the produced improved outcomes are a success for an organization. At this end, there are incentives that are given to the employees for improving the work ethics and a proper performance evaluation system is considered by engaging employees in reward system categories with an interest of publicly accepting the criteria for performance achievement goals. there are intellectual areas that are considered and are highly confidential, which needs to be reviewed while sharing personal information (Agrawal, 2012). The elements of work ethics are considerably broad and this may lead to certain standards that are followed by an organization with the management relationships and an enhanced performance standard that motivates employees and thereby engages into organizational profits. As such the goal of some decisions that encounter the individual identity creates an enthusiasm by evaluating the emotional movement of employees. Employement standards are acknowledge and this diescribes the antecedents that are beneficial for growth and development of an organization. Work absenteeism can be decreased by these strategies in the future to determine the level of productivity that increases while adopting those strategies. Employees should be given a reward system that is recommendable and accepted as per the standard and for future growth this may help to decrease the work absenteeism and increase the level of work ethics in an organization (Lawrence and Tar, 2013). References Acar, F. (2010). Analyzing the effects of diversity perceptions and shared leadership on emotional conflict: A dynamic approach. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21, 1733-1753 Agrawal, V. (2012). Managing the diversified team: Challenges and strategies for improving performance. Team Performance Management, 18, 384-400. Akintayo, D. (2010). Influence of emotional intelligence on work-family role conflict management and reduction in withdrawal intentions of workers in private organizations. International Business and Economics Research Journal, 9, 131-140 Buttner, E. E., Lowe, K., and Billings-Harris, L. (2012). An empirical test of diversity climate dimensionality and relative effects on employee of color outcomes. Journal of Business Ethics, 110, 247-258 Buzan, B. (2010). Culture and international society. International Affairs, 86, 1-25. Cailler, J. G. (2014). Toward a better understanding of the relationship between transformational leadership, public service motivation, mission valence, and employee performance: A preliminary study. Public Personnel Management, 43, 218-239. Carraher, S. M. (2011). Turnover prediction using attitudes towards benefits, pay, and pay satisfaction among employees and entrepreneurs in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. Baltic Journal of Management, 6, 25-52 Chen, Y., Wang, W. C., and Chu, Y. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

A Tale of Two Citiess Theme of Resurrection Essay Example For Students

A Tale of Two Citiess: Theme of Resurrection Essay Tale Two Cities EssaysTheme of Resurrection in A Tale of Two Cities In A Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens uses a variety of themes, including, revenge, revolution, fate, and imprisonment. Though these are very important themes, and were integral elements of this novel, resurrection served as the main theme aside from the obvious one which is revolution. The reason I chose resurrection instead of revolution, is because it is applicable outside of this novels setting. It is also important to note that the theme of sacrifice is closely tied into resurrection. The phrase recalled to life sounds the first note in the theme of resurrection with Dr. Manettes release from the Bastille after 18 years of solitary confinement, and sets Dickens plot in motion. The secret papers left in Manettes cell lead directly to the novels climax, Charles Darnays sentence to die. Crunchers grave robbing graphically illustrates the theme of resurrection: he literally raises people from the dead. One of the plots biggest surprises is based on Crunchers uunsuccesful attempt to unearthed the body of Roger Cly, the spy who testified with John Barsad against Charles Darnay. In France, years after his graveyard expedition, Cruncher discloses that Clys coffin contained only stones and dirt. This information enables Sydney Carton to force John Barsad, Clys partner, into a plot to save Charles Darnays life. Another important, but easily overlooked example of resurrection is when Dr. Manette grows confidence in himself and becomes the leader of the group. Dr. Manette triumphs over his past life and has a sort of rebirth. The best example of resurrection in the entire book, is also partly ironic in that Sydney Carton must die for this resurrection to take place, when he is executed on the guillotine in Paris. However, his death is not in the book as Dickens idea of poetic justice, as in the case of the villains, but rather as a divine reward. This is displayed when Carton decides to sacrifice himself by dying on the guillotine instead of Darnay, with I am the Resurrection and the life. This theme of resurrection appears earlier on with Cartons prophecy, where he envisions a son to be born to Lucie and Darnay, a son who will bear Cartons name. Thus he will symbolically be reborn through Lucie and Darnays child. This vision serves another purpose, though. In the early parts of the novel, Lucie and Darnay have a son, who dies when he is a very young child. This happens because the child was born in France instead of England, and if the DarnayCarton family is to survive into the future, they need a son to bear their name. But much more importantly, this second son will be born free of the aristocratic domination that has almost destroyed his father, Darnays, life. So this is how the children of Lucie and Darnay will live as English citizens free of any association with France and its violent past. Also; Carton will never truly die because in his death, he will have resurrected his own life, giving it purpose and meaning. Themes in novels generally come from the authors personal life, and we probably dont know why Dickens was so pre-occupied with the theme of resurrection, but it is none the less a very predominate method used in Dickens writing. Even if we dont know why the author chose the theme of resurrection, it certainly added some spice to the novel, and was interwoven with great care into the novels plot.

The Joys and Despairs of Playing Video Games free essay sample

Do you reach level 80 on World of Warcraft? Or do you beat all of New Super Mario Brother’s worlds in one day? Have you gotten bored of all of your video games that you need to reset all of them? If you said yes to any of these questions, then you might be addicted to video games. This might alarm you if it is true, but please stay calm. I’ll be honest with you. I play video games myself, but I don’t go overboard with it. Video games are fun, but just because you have them doesn’t mean you can neglect them. You still need to exercise. Playing video games too often can lead to some really bad side effects like increase of weight, hurting in the thumbs and hand joints. Carpel Tunnel Syndrome is common in everyday life, for instance if you text 2000 words a day, play video games for a long time, or just repeatedly use your hands. We will write a custom essay sample on The Joys and Despairs of Playing Video Games or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Don’t think that all the things about video games are bad. They help a lot with hand eye coordination, and they build up muscle in your hand. Except if you do it too much, then your fingers could begin to hurt. You may be thinking that you don’t play video games or you don’t have video games. Well, if you play board games then you are at risk for Carpel Tunnel Syndrome, because you are still moving your hands repeatedly. If you do get Carpel Tunnel Syndrome from playing too many video games, you can get a brace, get injections, or just stop doing the thing that aggravated it. â€Å"But there is a small chance of that happening, and I type on the computer all day and my fingers are still the same†, says Zachary Bruennig. Well, Zach, there is another thing that comes into play, and that is your age and youth. It doesn’t affect you until you get in your later 20’s. You might have video games and just play one out of 61 that you have. But if yo u play that one game all the time, then you might still be in the I have no life and an addiction to Mario Bros category. Addiction doesn’t have to happen with the games with a ton of violence or warfare in them. Addiction can be in any game that you like, and that you are really good at. This could be a sport game, action game, music game or any game in the world. There are a lot of themes like Mario and Luigi, Sonic the Hedgehog, Megaman, Rock Band, or Guitar Hero. So video games are fun, but overusing them has costs. The meaning of this whole essay was not to point video gamers in the wrong direction, but just to tell teens and young adults to take a break every once in a while to rest your hands and try to not play them for 5 hours straight.